Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the Maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown.
Out of habit, he jogged slowly by the eatery, checking everything out, and then ran back to the Ambassador.
He jogged slowly along the road to the top of the staircase.
He bowed low, and mounted his pony, and followed by his friends jogged slowly down the gentle slope behind the hill.
The travelers jogged slowly down the rutted track that served the small village as a main thoroughfare.
Henry jogged slowly to the end of the line.
For example, before running or playing an intense sport, the athlete might slowly jog to warm their muscles and increase their heart rate.
Sol jogged slowly, feeling his exhaustion as a kind of pleasant vertigo.
Several times as he jogged slowly across the park to the nearest exit, the man glanced back at them.
I slowly jogged south around the perimeter until I hit a darkened Battery Park.