Richard Ketchum, president and deputy chairman of the Nasdaq stock market, is resigning to join Citigroup.
Moore later joined Citigroup in New York, focusing on global technology and alternative investments.
Hammad Siddiqi joined Citigroup as a Management Trainee in 2003.
Upon leaving government service in 1997, Slatkin joined Citigroup.
He resigned as Treasury secretary four months before joining Citigroup.
Mr. Rubin said that his decision to join Citigroup was unrelated to anything he worked on while in government.
Prior to joining Citigroup, Mr. Kaden had spent most of his career in academia and working as a high-powered lawyer.
He joined Citigroup in 2000 as senior vice-president of corporate development in New York, at the age of 36.
Post Morgan Stanley and joining Citigroup (2006 - 2012)
Mark Slaughter has joined Citigroup as a managing director and chief operating officer of the global investment banking division.