The bride, 27, is to join Williams & Connolly, a law firm in Washington, as an associate this month.
In 1978 he joined Williams for their first season with a purpose-built chassis, finishing just over half the races and standing on the podium once.
During this time, he planned to join Williams in 1983 but was turned down after a one-hour interview because there were no jobs available.
This began when he joined Williams in 1985 and was allocated car number 5.
Alan Jones left to join Williams for 1978.
Hays decided to return to Arkansas and join Williams in his work.
Since joining Williams & Connolly in 1978, he has handled a variety of cases requiring a strong stomach.
Wood joined Williams as Chief Designer in April 2006.
In 1994, he became the lead driver of the team after Senna left to join Williams.
He joined Williams & Company, a real-estate firm, in 1929 and became a co-owner in 1935.