His family, like others, was compelled to join a collective farm after only a few years of the land reform.
The organizations joined together after nearly two years of strategic planning and stakeholder-led development.
Hielm officially joined the band in January 1998 after more than two years as a session member.
He joined The Times in 1945 after six years with Time magazine.
He was invited to join the firm's prestigious management committee after only five years with the firm.
Mara, the oldest of 11 children, joined the Giants in 1991 after 12 years as a lawyer.
China joined the World Trade Organization last year after nearly 15 years of talks.
He joined the military after two years at the University of Oklahoma.
Originally we'd also planned for me to join Tim in the business part time after three years.
He joined Columbia in 1970 after 25 years in the construction industry.