Joining arms, they set out to fleece their latest victims.
They parted quite naturally, passed one on each side of the tree and joined arms again on the other side.
During the song, the fans join arms and swing back and forth to the music.
Then Mr. Dinkins stood in a circle with the other protesters and joined arms.
Now that a marriage between Lischen and Fritzchen is possible, in joy the couple join arms and continue their way home.
The chaplains joined arms, said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with the ship.
Later they join arms for what looks like a version of the cygnets quartet in "Swan Lake."
The Poznań: celebration which involves fans turning their backs to the pitch, joining arms and jumping up and down in unison.
They joined arms on each side of him and carried him along with them.
People joined arms, and danced in a circle to Hebrew songs.