He joined the National Cancer Institute, as chief of its epidemiology branch, in 1961.
In 1961 he joined the United States Attorney's office in Newark as chief of the civil division.
He then joined the RIMAP as chief of operations.
He joined the University of Arizona College of Medicine in 1972 as chief of hematology and oncology.
Nungesser joined the new administration as chief of staff and executive secretary.
Eckler joined Census Bureau in 1939 as chief of the economic statistics in the Population Division.
After early research into rheumatic fever, he joined the Veterans Administration Hospital in Washington as assistant chief of medical services in 1949.
He joined Djemal Pasha's army in Palestine as a military engineer and later chief of staff.
He wrote for the Telegraph until 1877, when he joined the Argus staff again as chief of the news department and leader writer.
He joined the National Bureau of Standards in Washington in 1965 as chief of its textile and apparel technology center.