Kelly joined the team during the 1971 championship and was a regular member of the starting fifteen for just one season.
He joined the team during the 2003 championship and became a regular member of the starting fifteen over subsequent seasons.
Dorney joined the team during the 1905 championship and became a regular player over the next decade.
He joined the team during the 2002 championship and became a regular member of the starting fifteen the following year.
Dillon joined the team for one season during the 1965 championship.
Murray joined the team during the 1935 championship and was a regular member of the starting fifteen for the next decade.
Murphy joined the team during the 2011 championship, however, he has yet to make his debut in a competitive match.
O'Connor joined the panel during the 1986 championship and became a regular player over the following three seasons.
He joined the team during the 2001 championship and immediately became a regular member of the starting fifteen.
Field joined the team during the 1973 championship and remained with the team for the following three seasons.