The last time that it joined in criticizing Israel was in June 1982, after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
China, too, joined in criticizing the United States, declaring that a missile defense "would only undermine security and stimulate the proliferation of missiles."
Two days before the election, he joined other opposition candidates in criticizing alleged problems in the electoral preparations and calling for the election to be delayed.
The American Civil Liberties Union, meanwhile, joined in criticizing what it called the Government's hypocrisy about medical marijuana.
The United States joins others in criticizing the conditions of refugee camps near the Thai-Cambodian border.
Republicans and Democrats joined hands in criticizing the respective parties responsible for the conditions there.
Japan devoted most of its energy at the two-day meeting to rallying other nations to join it in criticizing the American action.
Local citizens' groups joined the federal agencies in criticizing the road.
Mr. Coburn joined them in criticizing the House omission of contracts.
Hal accidentally offends Rosemary, the schoolteacher, who then screams at him, and Flo joins in criticizing him.