After a slow and shaky start by the Dukakis campaign, the war of the airwaves has finally been joined, with a vengeance, in the past few days.
East joined in the days of two divisions and were promoted into the top division at the first attempt as runners up to Saddleworth.
I joined in the days when you got a lower salary but you knew at the end there would be a pension.
John joined the plant in the days of British Celanese when he was just 16.
And only a handful have supported Fox - joined in the last days of the campaign by a reluctant and slightly larger number.
Indeed, one of the best reasons for joining a camera club back in the hazy golden days was to get access to a darkroom.
I don't think a black or Hispanic would have been allowed to join back in the good old days.
A number of bankers, many of whom joined the business in the clubby days before financial deregulation, are learning the hard way.
She then joined in the final days of the Union siege of Charleston which fell on 17 February.