It is more than doubtful whether we have seen the fullest possible development of machinery for joint consultation in particular industries.
It will also seek to establish any general principles connected with successful schemes of joint consultation.
Winter has also tried to introduce a new system of joint consultation, but with disappointing results to date.
Article 2 provided for joint consultation between the Japanese and the Thai governments on matters of common concern.
Further joint consultation is also needed for other functions including planning and refuse disposal.
It had the power to send envoys asking for assistance and to dispatch troops from the member states to defensive points after joint consultation.
The British and French governments scheduled a hurried joint consultation.
Relations with the trade unions were excellent; the company was one of the first to start joint consultations many years ago.
Naturally, we expect both parties to display the will to enter into joint consultation.
For once, putting an end to these continues to form an important item on the agenda of the joint consultation.