Nottingham is also birthplace of, and joint headquarters of Paul Smith, the high fashion house.
At that point, a new joint headquarters will be established, and General Richards will turn over his responsibilities to an American officer.
This is a 'joint' headquarters comprising personnel from the three services and includes a continuously manned Joint Control Centre.
Permanent representatives would be assigned from the ministries to the joint headquarters before Sept. 1.
Both wings operated a joint integrated headquarters although each wing continued tactical operations independently.
The American Fine Arts Building at 215 West 57th Street, constructed as their joint headquarters, has continued to house the League since 1892.
It will be a joint headquarters," Ael said, "split between the Two Worlds, and no longer sited in space.
All four enterprises even have a joint headquarters in Brussels, which remains a joint capital for the Fleming and Walloon peoples.
While the messenger was gone, the royal party and their Eastmarch allies moved down to the camp and established their joint headquarters in a command tent.
While leaders of both parties speak reverently about the two-party system, they have endorsed the same candidates, and even opened joint headquarters and worked together to raise money.