The first joint inspection of the border was completed successfully in June 1986.
Kentucky and Indiana highway officials conducted a joint walk-through inspection of the structure on September 22, 2008.
In 1977, a revision expanded the audits, maintained the requirement for joint inspections, and added references to the diagnostic x-ray program.
Appendix D provides additional guidelines for conducting and reporting joint inspections.
The last such joint inspection took place in August 2006.
A United States joint military inspection was conducted at the base on February 11, 1992, which confirmed a Su-24 presence.
But the chief spokesman for the atomic energy agency said details on how the joint inspections would proceed had not been worked out.
A joint Iraqi-American inspection of the prison in May found more than 1,400 prisoners, including at least 37 teenagers or children, jammed into a small area.
It will also start a process of joint inspections, investigations and exchange of safety data.
The Agreement foresees joint inspections, investigations, exchange of safety data, increased cooperation and consultations at a technical level.