The two organizations have partnered in an effort to offer a joint membership that financially support their respective similarly focused organizational missions.
It remains a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit, though it maintains an affiliation with Preservation Virginia through joint memberships and other cooperative programs.
The UPU currently has 192 members (190 states and two joint memberships of dependent territories groups).
Around 1977, misunderstandings and bad feelings arose from difficulties concerning the joint membership and expenses that resulted in the end of the previous arrangement.
And then the joint membership of 130,000 must vote on it, too.
The IEA has recently introduced a scheme of joint membership with various national epidemiological societies.
For a couple the joint senior membership with the NTS is even better value at £56.50.
As of February 2012, there were 31 active participants (including one joint membership).
It's a joint membership.
Highlight: At $50 family or joint membership, an invitation to the annual children's holiday party.