Communities around the country already share expenses for, among other things, police, joint purchases of rock salt, pooled insurance and data processing.
The question of joint purchase is dealt with below.
The 300-acre acquisition was a joint purchase by the county and the Town of Brookhaven.
The two bidders for J. P. Stevens are trying to work out a joint purchase at $68.50 a share.
So he asked Ono if she would make a joint purchase with him, sharing the cost equally.
Mr. Goodspeed said based on what happens with the center other collaborations could develop, including joint purchases of expensive equipment.
Those activities could include joint purchases, reciprocity at airport lounges and enhancement of frequent flier programs.
"People are now using the joint purchase as a significant planning tool," Mr. Bush said.
The council's permission to the joint purchase was required because the woman had not been resident for six months.
This joint purchase is a great marketing gimmick.