Under the agreement, the three banks will jointly establish a holding company by the fall of 2000.
We must take the fight forward together and jointly establish the foundations for an anti-doping campaign.
However, by the mid-1980s local authorities in most regions had jointly established standing conferences to consider regional planning issues.
Those committees could be internal to a single institution or established jointly with one or more other institutions.
This flows from the fact that the presidential debate commission was established jointly by Republican and Democratic leaders in 1987.
First, during the summit on Monday, we jointly established a road map for the deregulation of visa traffic.
The school was jointly established in 1947.
We need to jointly establish a consolidated message that is easily understandable in order to raise appreciation for the importance of R&D.
A new standing committee has been established jointly between the University and the colleges to improve co-ordination and planning on undergraduate admissions matters.
Uzbekistan and China are working together to jointly establish a Special Economic Zone in the region.