Molecular Genetics of Cancer (jointly headed by Professors Jerry Adams and Andreas Strasser)
Stem Cells and Cancer (jointly headed by Professors Geoff Lindeman and Jane Visvader)
The commission, six Democrats and six Republicans, is jointly headed by Robert Strauss, a Democratic lawyer, and Drew Lewis, a Republican businessman.
The Executive is jointly headed by a First Minister and deputy First Minister drawn from the unionist and nationalist parties.
The Danish Home Guard is jointly headed by Major General Finn Winkler (since May 2010) and usually a member of the Danish Parliament.
In preparation for the hard federation in 2007 the two schools were to be jointly headed by a single executive head teacher.
Confronted by this statement, Giraud accepted de Gaulle's demand for a central French authority to be headed jointly by the two men.
Until two months ago, the two investment bankers had jointly headed Merrill Lynch & Company's merchant banking and junk bond department.
In 1983, Raja was killed and Gaya Kurmi surrendered, leaving the gang to be headed jointly by Suraj Bhan and Dadua.
The Port Authority is jointly headed by the governors of New York and New Jersey.