And I'm happy to say we've held onto almost all of the grants we raised jointly with the Met.
Carnegie Hall has also agreed to make structural changes to the backstage area at a cost of $20 million to $30 million, money both partners would raise jointly.
The two new studies should jointly raise the pitch of an already strident debate among doctors over the merits of early detection of prostate cancer.
He also has a daughter, Araminta who he raises jointly with his former wife Tamara Mellon.
Following their divorce, Bass and Lechuga jointly raised their daughter and four step-children together.
Towards the end of the war with victory on our side, the Filipino soldiers and Filipino bolomen jointly raised the Philippine War Flag.
In May 2009, Johnston said that their relationship was improving and that they were determined to jointly raise Tripp.
The crucial case, they say, occurred in 1984 and involved airline executives talking about jointly raising fares in a conversation that was tape-recorded.
Mr. Baron is now helping lead an effort to jointly raise money for the campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
Some are adopting the business practices of their commercial cousins, although under different guises, by consolidating operations and allying with others to jointly raise funds.