He broke off a marketing agreement with Novartis of Switzerland to jointly sell an irritable-bowel-syndrome drug when it appeared that the drug would not be approved.
The two companies also jointly sell Bextra, a new arthritis drug that like Celebrex is known as a Cox-2 inhibitor.
The YankeeNets holding company is designed to become a potent entity that will jointly sell luxury suites, club seats, sponsorships and advertising.
The airline industry is rapidly dividing up into global alliances, which allow their members to jointly sell flights and share frequent-flier miles within the group.
The two companies will jointly sell Web-based marketing and commerce software, using Broadvision applications and content from Quantum Leap.
The companies also agreed to jointly sell communications products for private networks in the United States.
This consortium will jointly sell propeller-driven aeroplanes which the companies already make.
There are specific ways of dealing with shares and other items that you own, buy and sell jointly with others.
Genentech and Novartis will jointly sell the drug and Tanox will receive a royalty.
The games almost matched the sales Pokémon Red and Blue and went on to jointly sell millions of copies worldwide.