The Marlboro Mavericks is a wrestling team jointly shared by the two middle schools.
It was jointly shared with Dhan Foundation.
The town is also the site of two marine research facilities jointly shared by Daytona Beach College, and the University of Central Florida.
Even if control could somehow be shared jointly, there would always be suspicions that an orbiting shield could be surreptitiously turned into a sword.
Lorn is seated farthest to the right and from the head of the table, jointly shared by the newly-consorted couple.
The funding of the project was jointly shared by the federal, provincial and municipal governments.
Any losses in the account would be shared jointly by Shearson and Mr. Edelman.
Because the concern for the welfare of the child is a task to be shared jointly by society.
Even foreign policy and control of the post office would be jointly shared by Ottawa and Quebec.
A timeshare is a piece of real estate-often a fully furnished condominium-that is jointly shared by multiple owners.