Coffin remembered a huge, red-faced man with a jolly, slightly too general smile.
The dear old man beamed upon her, with a jolly smile, looking more exactly like the Professor than ever.
With his fresh smooth complexion and jolly smile, Weber always looked avuncular.
Described as having a jolly smile beneath a splendid gray beard.
He even put on a jolly smile and waited for Cranston to continue.
An old man greeted them with a jolly smile, minus most of his teeth.
A jolly smile, I think, disguised the mean nature of a ruthless campaigner!
Her jolly smile was gone, and her amber eyes fixed on our feet.
Jack Gardeyne was strolling toward them, jolly smile in place.
"We have often found it so," an older woman in the group agreed with a downright jolly smile, stopping to Leelan's right.