It was not until 1960 that the phenomenon was explored in-depth by marine biologist Harold Loesch for the journal Ecology.
But the scientists, writing in the journal Ecology, show that all that crested wheatgrass appears to have reduced the quality of the soil.
The scientific journal Functional Ecology is published by the British Ecological Society since 1987.
In a study in last month's issue of the journal Ecology, researchers found a chemical laxative in the cherry-sized fruit of a Costa Rican shrub.
And in 1978, Ted J. Case published a much longer and more complex paper on the topic in the journal Ecology.
They began publishing a journal, Plant World, which later became the major journal Ecology.
The work was published in the journal Ecology.
By the time his paper on his finding was published in the journal Ecology, he had become a member of the faculty at Chapel Hill.
Her 1966 article on the topic, published in the journal Ecology, has formed the basis for subsequent research by other scientists.
They say the finding, published in the journal Ecology, reveals for the first time that ultraviolet light plays a role in the use of the designs to lure insects.