Following its end, the tour was met with criticism from the journalists accompanying Rihanna.
The ground rules imposed on journalists accompanying the marines here do not allow them to disclose the exact size or location of the force.
The exact location of the base cannot be disclosed under the ground rules imposed on journalists accompanying the forces.
Nearly 100 aides, Secret Service agents and journalists and technicians accompany him.
The journalists accompanied the event with enthusiasm.
He told the party of journalists accompanying him: "I do not hesitate to accuse the (Serb) government security forces.
Two French journalists accompanying Shen at the time of his arrest were expelled from China.
The manhandling of journalists accompanying Ms. Rice got more coverage than any massacre in Darfur has.
South Korean journalists accompanying them said thousands of North Koreans welcomed the group on the streets of Pyongyang.
Under restrictions imposed on journalists accompanying the marines, the exact location of Camp Rhino and the number of troops involved in operations here cannot be disclosed.