Each journalist named his own top three player every year.
The fact that American journalists cannot name Mexican, Russian, French heroes, inter alios, does not make them any less important to the culture whence they came.
One journalist surprisingly named it Pop Album of the Year.
The success of this work was so great that a journalist named him "the herald of a musical Monroe Doctrine".
The journalist and poet Pearl Rivers and the country music band Pearl River named themselves after this river.
A journalist named John Strasheim finds himself on a journey to the heart of a "technogenic" organism that threatens to eat the solar system.
A well-meaning, but rushed, journalist named Ben Charny interviewed me this morning about Microsoft's interoperability press release.
Some pundits and journalists also named Senna as their player of the tournament.
In it, a journalist named Stacie-a woman whom Aiah has never met- attempts to solve the mystery of Aiah's character and personality.
He says that the journalist named as using a PI in the What Price Privacy Now?