He saw journalistic criticism as a means to a middle-class standard of living.
He raised the level of journalistic criticism of his day.
He was certainly cutting edge in the exercise of journalistic criticism in Mexico and one of its most notable representatives.
"We encouraged sensory, commercial and journalistic criticism of them."
Even Andrew Porter, who has done more than anyone in recent decades to introduce musicological rigor to journalistic criticism, is himself not a musicologist by formal training.
Some people assume that journalistic criticism "popularizes"-that is, dumbs down-theory and scholarship.
This group of young men supported and encouraged each other in the face of official journalistic criticism.
With its growing popularity, professional wrestling has attracted attention as a subject of serious academic study and journalistic criticism.
T. S. Eliot accused Squire of using the London Mercury to saturate literary London with journalistic and popular criticism.
He signed a contract with Sony Music Entertainment and during the final of the show he won the prize of journalistic criticism of the value of 50,000 euros.