The prize is awarded for literary excellence in the category of nonfiction, which includes, among other forms: personal or journalistic essays, memoirs, commentary, both social and political criticism, history, and biography.
La ciudad que me habita (journalistic essays)
Thon wrote literary and scientific academic works and journalistic essays, and a 1910 work on the philosophical and sociological methods of Herbert Spencer.
He studied law at the Università Statale di Milano to please his authoritarian father, but he started writing short journalistic essays without even trying to have them published.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Talwalkar toured Eastern Europe and wrote journalistic essays on the changing scene.
She is also the author of art reviews, book reviews, fiction, and occasional journalistic essays.
It comprises a series of linked journalistic essays, each of which attempts in a different way to address the phenomenon of worldwide displacement and its consequences.
Poniatowska has published novels, non-fiction books, journalistic essays, and many forwards and prologues to books on Mexican artists.
Tully's No Full Stops in India (1988), a collection of journalistic essays, was published in the US as The Defeat of a Congress-man.
In the wake of the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway he wrote Underground, a set of journalistic essays about the event.