Bródy was also a distinguished philanthropist, and on the anniversary of his fiftieth birthday he donated 100,000 gulden to journalistic institutions.
The concerts, which began in 1997, are one way for Johnson to get friendly with a major journalistic institution that might write nasty things about Fannie Mae.
It is continually juggling its roles as an independent journalistic institution and as a megaphone for United States policy, expressed in its editorials.
Senator Joe Lieberman called Solomon a "Connecticut journalistic institution."
One of the things people miss about C-Span is that we're a journalistic institution, not an arm of Government.
As newspapers adapt to the new enterprises, they are changing sharply as commercial and journalistic institutions.
I hasten to add that whether or not this particular award was merited, the New York Times remains the greatest journalistic institution in the world.
"He was not a breaker of big stories, or a shaper of important journalistic institutions", wrote journalist Joseph Nocera, now of The New York Times.
By creating new journalistic institutions--sometimes in competition with established ones--Microsoft is adding to the total amount of skeptical scrutiny going on.
In other words, I know something about buffs-those individuals who decide to immerse themselves in public controversies and develop expertise independent of journalistic or academic institutions.