He has built his journalistic reputation over the last decade by attacking people whom few others ever thought to attack.
Of course, times of war and crisis are when journalistic reputations are made.
Our journalistic reputation is built on trust and on this occasion, we got it wrong and we have apologised for that.
But with each bimonthly issue, printed on cheap paper and crammed with splashy pictures, Confidential's sale has grown even faster than its journalistic reputation has fallen.
His agent recommended that for the sake of his journalistic reputation he turn it down; Mr. Rivera accepted.
Microsoft, as a new kid on the block, has no journalistic reputation yet, either good or bad.
He'll become the program's chief Congressional correspondent on Capitol Hill - the beat that built his journalistic reputation back in the 1960's at CBS News.
The profiles, published more than two decades apart, in 1942 and 1964, significantly burnished Mitchell's journalistic reputation.
Despite its journalistic reputation, Dow Jones has often struggled financially for 15 years.
His only reason for being here was because there might be a story in it, a sequel to a feature that had enhanced his journalistic reputation.