Graham left the paper in 1848, and McMichael and Bird became the driving forces in making the paper a journalistic and financial success.
The criterion for journalistic success "is very simple," said Dr. Jay Rosen, a professor of journalism at New York University.
Though the Sunday paper sold well and was considered a journalistic success, it was introduced at the end of the worst advertising recession in memory.
In addition to adding a book division, Schroth added many staff members who achieved future journalistic success, including David S. Broder and Elizabeth Drew.
He assessed the broad controversy on the subject being a journalistic success.
New York has enjoyed some journalistic success under Mr. Moss, with three National Magazine nominations.
Mr. Manning's journalistic success also owed much to a mix of charm and guile that allowed him to be in places where a photographer was not necessarily welcome.
In the Russo-Turkish campaign of 1877 he achieved striking journalistic successes at great personal risk.
His journalistic success attracted statewide attention and fostered political aspirations.
Close-up pictures of whales in their natural habitat were still uncommon, so her trip had already been a journalistic success.