The other journalistic technique is to heed Deep Throat's immortal advice to Bob Woodward and follow the money trail.
What counts is that Mr. Wiseman has taken the journalistic technique of cinema verite and elevated it to a personal expressionism.
When all else failed, she could try the trusted journalistic technique of lying through her teeth.
Journalism schools are teaching journalistic techniques rather than subject matter.
It imported journalistic techniques from the United States and in 1926 opened the first Journalism School of Spain.
The approved journalistic technique is to retail all these prurient nuggets while appearing to hold your nose.
The magazine uses the same journalistic technique that marked the series as a whole - inviting whites and blacks to express their feelings about race in an uninhibited way.
While the nation has seen here a shift in journalistic techniques, there has not been any fundamental change in the way the public evaluates its candidates for higher office.
Naturally, none of his clever tricks will work on this psychologically astute interviewer, who plans to use mysterious journalistic techniques to unearth his darkest secrets.
No more recourse to his, ahem, less conventional journalistic techniques; viz, picking locks, scaling buildings, burgling offices and hacking computer systems.