Since quitting as editor, in 1994, MacKenzie has pursued various business and journalistic ventures.
"I follow your line of reasoning, sir," observed Arthur Weldon; "but this absurd journalistic venture is bound to result in heavy financial loss."
She was named Hayat, or Life, after her father's beloved journalistic venture.
Actions in the Court of Chancery - at least one of them brought by Hatch himself - together with an ill-fated journalistic venture, dissipated Hatch's entire cash reserves.
It was the first of its kind in India in the line of journalistic venture.
About the same time he got to know Edmund Yates, with whom, in his earlier years, he was constantly connected in his journalistic ventures.
He currently develops drone technology and small unmanned aerial vehicles (sUAV) for use in journalistic ventures.
The Treasury Department permits Americans to spend money in Cuba if they are traveling there for such reasons as academic excursions, cultural exchanges, religious missions, journalistic ventures and visits to relatives.
Many of the paper's more daring journalistic ventures ran under the byline "Scoop Gerbil," which commemorated the paper's 1970s mascot of the same name.