It is still a thriving seaport, though, and we were able to find all that we needed for our journey overland within its walls.
It was a four weeks' journey overland to Georgia by the old trading path.
The old man who acted as their major-domo-he remembered Amyntas' father-went before them to seek good lodgings, and hire transport for the long journey overland.
His long journey overland from the Indians to his home also may have set the stage for future journeys he would take.
"Are you suggesting that these gentle ladies attempt the journey overland?"
Viesca and members of the government gathered important documents from the state archives and began the journey overland to San Antonio.
It would transport Flame to each in turn and wait at each until Turner could make the journey overland to join them.
Even that's a lot closer than a journey overland all the way to Aydindril.
But she only asked me how many men I had killed myself; as if, through two wars and a journey overland, I should have kept a tally.
If they are, they will take it for granted that I dissemble and actually plan a journey overland.