He moved to London in 1748, possibly working as a journeyman painter, and possibly with a view to expanding his father's business.
The Aesthetic Movement, with its delight in everything Japanese, was rather too much for the journeyman painter.
He and three other journeyman painters recreated the grid on the wall - on a much larger scale, of course.
All we want is to know where we might find the journeyman painter.
Each must have three years' experience as an apprentice and five years as a full-time journeyman painter to be hired by the city, he said.
He went to Dresden in 1831 as a journeyman painter, and while there studied in Dahl's school.
His family later moved to upstate New York, where he became, successively, a journeyman painter, glazier, and farmer.
He was originally educated as a journeyman painter but attended Kunstakademiet in the years 1886-1887 and 1892-1894.
By this time the theme was distancing itself from the simply moralities of journeyman painters and becoming a subject for aristocratic amateurs.
Nothing is known of Huber's training, although he likely worked in a family workshop before setting out as a journeyman painter.