And he did so with a jovial smile for photographers to record.
Harlan was already at the door, throwing it open with a grand gesture as he greeted the startled Richard with a jovial smile.
Godowlning's broad pinkish face was graced by a jovial smile, showing yellowish but even teeth.
He arose with a jovial smile.
Rhodan raised an index finger warningly as the jovial smile disappeared from his face.
Scotty was in his usual place behind the transporter controls, and he gave Spock a jovial smile.
She tried to keep the jovial smile plastered to her face, but it was hard.
The Governor gave me his jovial smile which usually presaged political assassination.
Suddenly Hifield broke out in a jovial smile.
With a jovial smile, he told the others, "I'll see you later at chow."