"I wanted to write joyful music that would make other people feel good," Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys said as he accepted the award.
After the parade, all the bands wander through the city playing joyful music.
The tangled roots made for joyful music.
As might be expected from their name, they like to sing happy, joyful music to entertain audiences.
Mr. Naharin uses the joyful music for a celebratory climax.
The concerto has a very modern feel," the maestro said, "but it is joyful music that captures the essential flavor of the Renaissance.
Your child will love exercising to the joyful music of the popular children's video series, Quigley's Village.
Tiny blue birds twittered on the balustrade, making joyful music to the morning.
NO matter the sunshine as summer beckons or the joyful music pouring from the housing project windows.
Shater continued along the lines of Ammanih; several collaborations and joyful music.