At Caesarea, Origen was joyfully received, was the guest of Firmilian, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and perhaps also of the empress-dowager Julia Avita Mamaea.
Mr. Clinton's midmorning speech on a sweltering day was joyfully received - too much so, at one point, for his taste.
When he returned to Corfu he was joyfully received into the circle of national composers, where he was considered a musician of great talent.
When Charles' brother, William, arrived in Brunswick on 10 September, he was received joyfully by the people.
His fame preceded him to Péronne, where he was joyfully received by Erchinoald, and through his prayers obtained the reprieve of six criminals.
Then, she rides back to Qualinesti, and is joyfully received by her parents, who thought her dead.
The convoy arrived at Jinsen on 8 September, and the occupation troops were joyfully received by the Koreans.
He was honorably and joyfully received by Nicholas V., who was fitting out an expedition against the Turks.
Notwithstanding the loyalty thus shown to the proprietors, he was appointed first regular royal governor of the colony in December, 1729, and upon his arrival at Charleston, early in 1731, was joyfully received by the people.
He led her to his kingdom where he was joyfully received, and they lived for a long time afterwards, happy and contented.