Rue St.-Denis becomes a joyous scene of dueling cafes, as diners temper the humidity with chilled vichyssoise and Chablis.
Every joyous and tender scene most dear to my memory, is connected with this edifice.
Let fancy pourtray the joyous scene of the twentieth of June, such as even now my aching heart recalls it.
There were joyous scenes throughout Auckland, a scheduled public holiday enabling 150,000 to acclaim their heroes.
It is a joyous scene of country life.
One marine described a joyous, tearful scene as the marines came upon the prisoners.
Its reunification brought the most joyous scenes at the end of the cold war, but fusing a new Germany has proved much costlier and more painful than foreseen.
Streets were filled with joyous scenes of jubilation.
Their liberation from the strict rules the government imposed led to the joyous scenes of celebration so moving after the end of the war.
Inside Astroland, it was a remarkable, and joyous, scene.