She got up nervously and Emily rose too, advancing on her with a determined, joyous smile.
The child grabbed the parcel, smelled it and broke into a joyous smile.
In her first joyous smile of the evening, Louise re-invents herself.
He looked at Arren and smiled the sweet, joyous smile that was always startling on his hard face.
She got the job, she said with a joyous smile, because, "I am just a sweet, special one."
It wasn't a pleasant or joyous smile, but one of relief.
Thérèse put on a joyous smile, skipped up to the sofa to kiss her mother.
He stood immobile, his lips spreading in a surprised, joyous smile.
And he had his wish, for quite a joyous smile lit up her small, pinched face.
When made to understand that he had been chosen for the test, he broke into a joyous smile and ran out to the forge.