She shows the potential to become a fine judge and a leading player in efforts to bring about court-system improvements.
But there are no specific guidelines to help judges bring good science into the courtroom.
Three judges have brought their own lawsuit against the state, seeking raises.
The judges agreed to adjourn the trial for a month until the witnesses could be found in prison and brought to court.
The judge put Valentinus to the test and brought to him the judge's adopted blind daughter.
A federal judge recently brought a price of $250,000, for example.
They were also given the duty to act as judge for all lawsuits brought to the county court.
The judge is a clown and has brought the court into disrepute.
Another wondered whether the judge could bring a shotgun into court and lean it against the desk?
At the end of judges' retreats, it was announced that each judge could bring one further act back as a wildcard.