It was found that the judge had not drawn an inference of guilt from this.
A judge with a low rate of dispositions might be inefficient - or might have simply drawn several complicated cases.
The move would allow judges to draw negative inferences against defendants who refuse to talk to the police or to the courts.
The judge draws a question card from the pile.
Before the judge could draw away, The Shadow's hand came forward, closed in a fist upon the fingers that held the revolver.
The judge drew a negative inference from this silence and said it could add strength to the Crown's case.
Some day, he said, a white judge might draw a map that was disadvantageous to blacks.
"In this case the judges drew the line, saying they did not get enough evidence that the genocidal intent existed."
The judges drew lots for the terms, the law providing that one of them should go out of office every three years.
The industry said the judge had drawn unsupported inferences from the documents.