Also last week, a federal judge handed yet another victory to California, which has been trying to impose tough CO2 limits on automobiles.
As a result, the federal judge overseeing the case handed the ISP a $10 million default judgment.
When the results were announced, the judge said "261" and handed me another green-and-white ribbon.
All three judges, acting independently, handed in disqualification cards.
Once the teams reached the finish point, the judge would hand them their next clue.
Once teams completed their boards correctly, the judge would hand them their next clue.
Given what lawyers and judges hand them - and that's a big given - they try to do the right thing.
He was found guilty on all counts and the judge handed him twelve years.
The judge handed him a life sentence and he was taken to San Quentin.
The judge handed the plow to Alvin, then left the cell and put his hand on Marty Laws' shoulder.