She also contends that some judges lack sensitivity.
In the present case we have the advantage of evidence which the judge lacked: in particular the mother's statement and the Official Solicitor's report.
The judges probably lack the power to order the Justice Department around, but Attorney General Janet Reno should take the hint and bring the prisoner back.
The judge explained how the woman had a very serious psychiatric disorder and lacked the capacity to give consent for the treatment for her life threatening condition.
The government, arguing that the judge lacks jurisdiction, has asked that he dismiss the petition or transfer it to South Carolina.
He added through a spokesman that he was "disappointed" that the judge had lacked the courtesy to be sure the prosecutors had the decision before making it public.
In this view, judges who are confirmed by narrow party-line majorities might lack legitimacy in the country as a whole.
This should not be confused with the proposition that because judges lack business experience they are not competent to judge business issues.
The judge found that "an important aspect" of the opinion letter Mr. Kuller wrote "was unsupported and lacked credibility."
But the moral cost has to be balanced against the risk that judges and juries lack the independence and heroism to convict the worst abusers.