Next, the judges must certify that the election was fair and name the new president-elect by Sept. 6.
She was Mileson's wife, mother of the girl that the judge had named.
On August 3, 2009, the judge named Katherine Jackson as the children's permanent guardian.
A federal judge named a lawyer to monitor and investigate hiring and promotions by Chicago to ensure that employees were not selected based on connections.
The judge named a mayor and five council members to the first City Council, for two-year terms.
The judge did not name the doctor who he said had covered up for Mrs. Riegler.
Outside judges name the winners, who each receive $1,000 and are published, along with some finalists, in the magazine's December issue.
At 2:30 that morning, judges balanced a tiara on her head and named Addams the best in the state.
In 1970, a judge named him counsel to the court-appointed trustees of the company.
The judges in the competition named him the best oralist.