The judge also required that the men continue to wear electronic monitoring devices.
The judge may also (as a condition of probation) require the young person to attend community programs.
But to exclude the father as the boy's legal representative, the judge ruled, would have required proof that he abused the child.
The judge in the case further required an "affirmative disclosure statement" to be issued to future clients.
The judge also required the state to take on an additional 2,400 cases that officials had improperly refused to accept.
The judge required the city to justify periods longer than that on an individual basis.
It is unclear how long the judge will require the jury to deliberate.
Four days after the release of the defense attorney's motion, the judge required this information to be blacked out.
The judge required that the guidance notes should address these statements.
To save time and money, some judges may require that each side of the lawsuit turn over all basic information it has regarding the case.