She said the judge had sought to "stonewall" the grand jury investigation "by evading the questions."
"I saw you in the court room, when the honourable judge sought after our guilt," he began.
The judge sought to turn the clock back 30 years to a time when the credibility of women was automatically challenged in cases like this.
Do judges seek license or pay royalties when they use "precedence"?
The single most important attribute that the judges are seeking, however, is the ability to appeal to a mass market of pop fans.
Here the judge sought to justify the course he took by saying, in effect, that the prosecution case was all but complete.
In scheduling the arguments, the judge sought comments from supporters and opponents to address 10 questions.
A Brazilian judge had pressed the wrong button and punched in an 8.7 score but immediately sought to change it to 9.7.
"The judges may seek any source of information they wish," the Computer said.
Lawyers find the film appealing, according to the director, because "there aren't any bad guys", with the judge, prosecutor, and Vinny all seeking justice.