Mr. Cardozo said that because of the sudden spike in arrests, the judge should have waived the 24-hour rule.
But a sixth man who was arrested last week, John Taylor, 24, was not indicted, and the judge waived his $30,000 bail.
Acknowledging Mr. Cho's cooperation with investigators, a federal judge gave him about half the maximum term and waived a fine.
The judge waived the 45-day jail sentence after Mr. Dobben promised he would continue taking the medication.
Until March, judges may also waive fines if a driver can prove that he or she has bought a headset or speakerphone.
The judge waived the fine because Masters told him he was putting a child through college.
Several readers noted that if she repairs the headlight within 24 hours, many judges will waive the fine.
Under both laws, judges can also waive the fine in hardship cases.
While rejecting the Corrie family's claims to damages, the judge also waived the Corrie family's court costs.
From now until March, judges can waive fines if violators can prove that they have bought a headset or a speaker phone since the fine was imposed.