Good taste and good judgment further require that she step aside from her official position while the investigations proceed.
Association - Constructive social judgments require the interpretation of complex information.
An intelligent judgment in this area requires some time and a large number of cases.
What we seem to have lost is the will to do what good judgment and the law require.
The judgment also requires the defendants to pay $5,490 in post-judgment interest and a $2,400 child-labor penalty.
The "satisfactory" judgment was discontinued in September 2012 and replaced by "requires improvement".
But judgments about the pace and extent of nuclear reprocessing require additional information.
Vaughn knew that, having great respect for Prynns piloting abilities, including whatever judgments those skills required of her.
The judgments each senator must make in bringing this case to an end require no further presentations of fact or analysis.
A judgment of the European Court requires urgent consideration and fast, effective action.