That, indeed, was the question: whether to accomplish the goals of the Equal Rights Amendment by judicial decree and make its ratification unnecessary.
It may be done by agreement, through a property settlement, or by judicial decree.
Far too many of our policies - on education, on justice, on morality - are the result of judicial decree.
On the other hand, a voidable marriage was considered a valid marriage until it was annulled by a judicial decree.
She was dismissed in March 1933 in the wake of a judicial decree that women should no longer hold judicial office.
The district was created by judicial decree in August 1954.
It is an error to suppose that liberals abandoned democracy in favor of governance by judicial decree because "they forgot how to persuade their fellow Americans."
"Jeyal's judgment was impaired," the Tavnian said, as if handing down a judicial decree.
The only judicial decree available was judicial separation which left the parties married but physically separated.
The judicial decree that someone be punished in this manner is a death sentence, while the actual process of killing the person is an execution.