This is a major advance on the pre-existing system of judicial monitoring where the Government agreed only to the publication of the first but not the succeeding reports of the monitor.
The reforms made it easier for candidates to run for president, limited the number of presidential terms to two four-year periods, and ensured judicial monitoring of elections.
They rely on mental health assessments, individualized treatment plans, and ongoing judicial monitoring to address both the mental health needs of offenders and public safety concerns of communities.
One of the Egyptian long-standing traditions is the judicial monitoring of the elections.
Three national library associations have requested judicial monitoring of Google's book-search settlement with authors and publishers.
Accordingly, the sharing of data must be subject to constant parliamentary and judicial monitoring.
This is the only way to ensure democratic decision-making and a judicial monitoring by the European Court.
So issues about implementation have to be dealt with urgently in the form of technical assistance and judicial monitoring.
This is due to the new law put into force establishing universal judicial monitoring of polling stations.
The November 2000 Parliamentary Elections were generally regarded to have been more transparent and better executed than past elections due to judicial monitoring of polling stations.