The judiciary panel was made up of prosecution, military and police officials.
The Judiciary panel became the second full committee of the House to endorse the bill, which was the first legislation introduced in the new Congress.
But last week each side seized upon reports that its judiciary panel had split, 10 to 5, on whether to rate Judge Bork "well qualified."
With a vote in committee scheduled for Thursday, the eight Democrats on the judiciary panel met Tuesday to discuss the nomination.
Mr. Ashcroft, who until last month was a member of the judiciary panel, seemed determined to lower the volume of the debate on his candidacy.
Mr. Reid said six of the eight Democrats on the judiciary panel had conferred but were still undecided.
Lindner is currently part of the National Rugby League's judiciary panel.
The Justice Department and the Judiciary panel are approaching the issue with standards of evidence and goals that are very different.
An April 17 appearance by Mr. Gonzales before the judiciary panel is widely viewed as a make-or-break event for him.
It's from the judiciary panel.