As a child, he took judo lessons.
Her judo lessons had finally come in handy.
She shouldn't have given the kid judo lessons.
Whether it's your fencing lesson or my judo lesson, they're about the only thing that's kept me going the last couple of weeks.
When Corella was 7, his mother, a Madrid housewife, signed him up for judo lessons.
Their target readers are business executives, and the judo lesson they teach is a strategic mind-set.
Diagnosed with stribismus as a toddler, Dantzler began judo lessons to help improve his eye-hand coordination.
But all the verbal judo lessons won't stop officers from talking privately in whatever way they please.
The speed of his humiliation brought home how useless years of judo lessons were in the real world.
When he was 9, his father gave him money for judo lessons; he spent it on ballet classes.